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25C-NBOMe SGT151/SGT263/SGT78 JWH-018/JWH-210 U4-7700/U4-8800 5cl.adb 5f.adb.a

Oferta dodana: 01-11-2024
Ważne do 29-11-2024
Lokalizacja 69J9+FW Przełazy, 波兰,
Stan Nowy

We are a professional chemical company and the most powerful manufacturer of BMK and PMK pharmaceutical intermediates in China. We have a wide range of products, such as BMK PMK FUB-144 JWH-018 SGT-151 JWH-210 ADBB CBD 5CLADB 5FADB MDMA 2F-DCK 5F-MDMB-2201 and so on. The products developed for decades are exported to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries. Here's my contact information. Sally Signal/Telegram; +447746609631 Threema: 3XY9H44J Email;

18.00 zł


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