LayLax has just introduced another innovative product. This time it is intended for tuning gas powered replicas of the Hi Capa 5.1 Tokyo Marui pistol. We are talking about an aluminum outer barrel manufactured under the Nine Ball brand, with the a very long name - "2 Way Non-Recoiling Outer Barrel".

The Hi Capa 5.1 Tokyo Marui replica is one of the most popular replicas in AIPSC and also a very popular and modular base for building custom pistols. The new LayLax barrel is expected to significantly affect the consistency of shots, accuracy and gas management of an already successful gun. The idea is somewhat similar to the ICS "fixed inner barrel" (Korth and SAR 9 replicas). In LayLax solution, the inner and outer barrel are more tightly fitted, the new outer barrel has much less clearance relative to the front part of the slide, and above, both barrels are rigidly connected with 2 setting screws. As a consequence, the outer barrel does not move up during shooting and does not pull the inner barrel with it, which remains in the axis of the cylinder and nozzle throughout the whole cycle. As a result, accuracy is improved and more consistent and stable connection of the nozzle with the Hop-Up bucking also improves the consistency of shots and reduces gas consumption.
Along with the barrel supplied 2 threaded tips are supplied: a plain one, ending with a 11 mm thread and an adapter with a standard 14 mm CCW thread, commonly used in silencers. The barrels are available in 4 colors.

The assembly and operation are best illustrated in the LayLax video below:
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