A new product will soon be added to the classic offer for AK replicas from LCT Airsoft. For demanding customers, there is a steel AK replica receiver with an integrated 1913 rail for mounting any type of stock.
Therefore, it will not be necessary to purchase a dedicated adapter, change the replica, but only transfer the existing elements to the new receiver. It is made of stamped steel. There is also a dovetail optics mounting on it. As presented in the manufacturer's media, the configuration possibilities of the new receiver are quite numerous.
New photos of the renewed series of the LCT PKP Pecheneg machine guns were also shown. The original product was first introduced into the market a few years ago.
Attention was also drawn to recent frauds using e-mail addresses confusingly similar to those used by LCT Airsoft. If you receive messages from "i@officehq1.com" and "yu.cheng.lin@lctairsoft.com", please ignore them.