As a part of the program, airsoft players who own ICS replicas and want to support the brand have the opportunity to become the company's ambassador. Participating in it, members can count on financial support from ICS (although no specific amount is given with which the company intends to support players) and the opportunity to expand their knowledge and contacts in the industry.
This type of cooperation can be an interesting option for people who are fans of the brand. Being part of it, they can count on remuneration, joint promotion and can get numerous contacts, facilitating access to ICS replicas and spare parts.
Interested parties have time to submit their applications by 12 November 2018. The application should include: their name and surname, the nickname used during airsoft games, country of residence, email address, age, gender, languages that the player is able to use fluently, how often they goes airsofting and whether they are members of a team. One can also provide the address of their / their team's fanpage Facebook but this is purely optional. Applicants are also welcome to send photos of their ICS products, present their strategy for expansion in social media and provide links confirming their presence in them.
To familiarize yourself with all the criteria and take part in the program, visit this link.

Registration for the ICS Captain program had commenced