According to the manufacturer, the Death Machine Mark II replica is designed to be as light as possible. This is achieved, among others things, thanks to the use of a polymer receiver and a compact design. These features also make the replica an ideal choice for CQB games. he added sound amplifier at the end of the barrel provides a satisfying sound when firing. The front grip is 12.7 cm long and is made of metal. It is made in the M-LOK standard. Thanks to this, the weight is again reduced to a minimum, the M-LOK slots ensure reliable assembly of attachments, and the user can still install all kinds of grips, torches and sights.
The heart of the replica is a V2 gearbox with 8 mm bearings, equipped with an proprietary MOSFET called E.T.U. In addition to the standard features of this type of devices, it also provides the ability to reprogram it so that the replica fire in 3 round bursts. The whole replica is designed so that it could easily operate using 11.1 V batteries. The total length of the Death Machine Mark II is 600 mm and the inner barrel is 128 mm long. The replica weighs 2096 g and it comes with a high-cap magazine with a capacity of 300 BBs.

New: Death Machine Mark II