This replica will use internal components such as the gearbox, the EBB system and the system responsible for preventing it from firing after emptying the magazine from the NEG AK47 Type-3 replicas. The main part that distinguishes it from the Type-3 is the folding stock.
According to the manufacturer, it tried to fully reproduce the color of the receiver, therefore it is to look the same as in the real firearm. The dedicated magazine, with a capacity of 90 BBs, has a switch that allows you to shoot when its empty, as well to stop it from shooting without BBs. People who want to use standard magazines will have an adapter at their disposal. Thanks to this, you can use all low-caps, mid-caps and high-caps with it. However, then, the fire prevention function on an empty magazine will, unfortunately, not work.
The total length of the replica will be 643 mm with the collapsed stock and 888 mm with the extended stock. The inner barrel will be 300 mm long. The replica, with a dedicated 1300 mAh Ni-MH Mini S battery, will weigh 3.3 kg.
The replica is to have its premiere between February-March 2019 and the price in Japan will around 49800 JPY (~ 387 EURO).

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