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The US army has chosen a new subcompact weapon
The US army has chosen a new subcompact weapon

The US army has chosen a new subcompact weapon

The US army has chosen a new subcompact weapon
The US army has chosen a new subcompact weapon

The demand for subcompact weapons is due to the need to have a weapon with a firepower greater than the pistols, but at the same time easy to carry concealed. The main application of this type of weapon is the protection of senior commanders and key personnel who are classified as High Risk Personnel (HRP). It was due to the needs of the employees of the military security services that the proceedings were carried out, as the result of which the ACP9K submachine gun was selected.

Basic weapon parameters:
- caliber - 9x19 mm ;
- barrel length: 110 mm;
- weight: 2.6 kg.
The basic sight is the Aimpoint Micro TL, it also has spare flip-up sights. The weapons adapted to used a sound suppressor.

Photo taken from the Brugger & Thomet showing the APC9 PRO K.

APC9 in the hands of Larry Vickers:



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