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What is Arcturus up to - update
What is Arcturus up to - update

What is Arcturus up to - update

What is Arcturus up to - update
What is Arcturus up to - update

We managed to get some more information about the next releases by MOS/Arcturus. Let's start with the mysterious AK.

We have official confirmation that the prototype shown in the photos is a replica of the AK-12 carbine that is just being developed. The design work will probably end in the first half of July at the latest. We have already been promised the opportunity to thoroughly familiarize ourselves with the final (pre-production) version, and later probably also with the serial product. The replica should hit stores in September. A characteristic feature of AK-12 from Arcturus will be the ability to replace the spring without removing the gearbox from the receiver and a factory fitted MOSFET. We are particularly pleased by the latter. Of course, it is true that simple MOSFETs appear more often in factory made configurations of replicas, but in the AK-12, a Polish system made by Perun will be used! The same system will also be mounted in a series of replicas modeled on the HK416, but we will writhe on that separately. Peruna's MOSFETs are likely to be a standard feature in most Arcturus replicas in the future, and certainly in those intended for the European market.

As for the speculation about the RPK-16 ... MOS is, unfortunately, not planning to make such a replica in the near future. But given the large resemblance to the AK-12, I have lobbied intensely for the manufacturer to consider this possibility. Today, on our profile on Facebook, we will start a survey about the RPK-16. Maybe this way we will be able to influence the manufacturer a bit.

The exclusive distributor of Arcturus replicas in Europe is Taiwangun.



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