Yesterday in Taiwangun's economic versions of Arcturus AR-15 replicas appeared. The only difference from the earlier versions is the material from which the receivers are made as in this case it is nylon. In areas critical for the durability of a replica, metal reinforcing sleeves were used for the mounting thread of the outer barrel and the buffer tube. All other parts, including the gearbox are the same as in the full metal replicas.
Like in most other replicas with the plastic receivers, these replicas cannot be "broken" open which eliminates the risk of breaking off the loops connecting the upper and lower receiver. Here the receiver parts are inserted one into the other and locked by the front pin. It is a much more durable solution.
There are four replicas differing in the length of the barrel, the front and the type of stock used. Prices range of 580 to 600 PLN. That is nearly 300 PLN less than their counterparts with metal receivers.
Other fresh and interesting products are replicas by CYMA with factory installed reinforced inner parts. Those are MP5 SMGs from the Blue Limited Edition. The replicas have reinforced gearbox frames, pistons with a full metal teeth and a set of "silent" piston and cylinder heads made of aluminum. They also use brass inner barrels with a diameter of 6.03 mm. Prices from from 600 to 630 PLN.