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Gas powered AR-15 with casing ejection function
Gas powered AR-15 with casing ejection function

Gas powered AR-15 with casing ejection function

Gas powered AR-15 with casing ejection function
Gas powered AR-15 with casing ejection function

Rare Arms has published a new video promoting a CO2-powered AR-15 GBBER (S-AR-001) replica

Basic parameters:
- overall length (collapsed/extended stock): 690-775 mm;
- weight: 2230 g;
- external barrel length: 10.3 "(261.6 mm);
- inner barrel length: 220 mm;
- magazine capacity: 30 BBs (placed inside casings);
- kinetic energy: 1.15 Joule;
- power source: 12 g Co2 capsule (placed inside the front grip).

Like its previous products, the new Rare Arms replica works and looks spectacular. The price has not been given.



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