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SVU and SVU-AS M-LOK sniper rifles (AEGs)
SVU and SVU-AS M-LOK sniper rifles (AEGs)

SVU and SVU-AS M-LOK sniper rifles (AEGs)

SVU and SVU-AS M-LOK sniper rifles (AEGs)
SVU and SVU-AS M-LOK sniper rifles (AEGs)

Yesterday we have presented a video review of the PM2 ICS (Makarov) pistol made by the Russians from Red Army Airsoft. The video mentioned using the Makarov as a sidearm of an airsoft sniper. Today we are presenting another video depicting the bullpup versions of the SVD rifle - the SVU and the SVU AS with an M-LOK front by Cymy.

With the arrival of these models, the SVD family of replicas is becoming more numerous.

The new SVU


also in the TAN version:

and their older brothers,


and the classic SVD:

Meanwhile, the availability of new replicas is lacking. The Tiger111 store has the black M-Lok version in preorder for 240 USD. In Poland, the twin, but no longer produced, model made by ASP costs 1030 PLN at Gunfire. As we have found out, in the coming days Cyma SVU replicas will appear at Taiwangun.




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