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SIG AIR ProForce M17
SIG AIR ProForce M17

SIG AIR ProForce M17

SIG AIR ProForce M17
SIG AIR ProForce M17

Today we received official information that airsoft replica of the SIG SAUERP320-M17, currently used by the US Armed Forces and other federal organizations, become available. We have already written about the gun several times. According to official information, the replica is designed for professional training.

The ProForce M17 has a polymer skeleton, metal slide, blowback system and of course adjustable HopUp. The magazine holds 21 BBs. The as the real gun the replica is supposedly prepared for mounting the SIG AIR Red Dot Optic collimator, which will be available soon, which probably means that a replica or some light version of the ROMEO1/ROMEO1PRO collimator will be made. The gun can be powered by green gas or 12g CO2 capsules.


Basic technical parameters:


And a video by SIG SAUER with a short presentation of the replica:


