We have some new information about the replica which, according to the plans of marketers, is to be the ICS flagship product in the comming year. The most important piece of information is that the replica is built on using a two-part V2 gearbox (the ICS split gearbox), which is used in all ICS AR type replicas. Another information is that the replicas will be fitted with a set of reinforced aluminum cylinder and piston heads (alloy 6061). The M-LOK handguard is 6.5 inches long. The stock has a little more space for the battery than other similar designs. A sound suppressor is a standard equipment of the replica while the electronic E-Trigger SSS Gen.2 is an option - versions with a classic contact switch and a simple mosfet will also be available.
The CXP-MARS PDW9 is to be available from retailers at the end of December this year.
Photos: ICS Airsoft