Viva Arms is a small manufacturer from Hong Kong specializing in niche historical replicas. This year's novelty is the Mosin Nagant M1944 rifle replica.
The replica is powered with CO2. Is has a stock bade of a single piece of wood. The muzzle velocity, according to manufacturer's data, is 330 to 420 fps. Magazine capacity: 12 BBs.
Another new product released this year is the Maxim machine gun replica made in the 1:2 scale (Maxim Mini)
It is powered by HPA. Weight: 5500 g Length: 654 mm. Muzzle velocity: 390 to 420 fps. Magazine capacity: 1500 BBs.
The offer also includes the MG34 machine gun replica produced by Viva Arms in AEG and HPA versions with an electrically powered drum magazine and the Browning M1919 also made in 2 versions.
MG34 - AEG version data:
- length: 1240 mm;
- weight: 7350 g;
- muzzle velocity: 360 fps;
- magazine capacity: 1500 BBs.
The M1919
The Lee Enfield No.4 and the ZB26 replicas are still listed at Viva Arms website, but they are not in this year's price list. But we managed to get an e-mail confirmation that the SKS rifle replica is still in the works.
Photos: Viva Arms