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Licensed frames for Umarex, TM and WE Glocks
Licensed frames for Umarex, TM and WE Glocks

Licensed frames for Umarex, TM and WE Glocks

Licensed frames for Umarex, TM and WE Glocks
Licensed frames for Umarex, TM and WE Glocks

At the upcoming MOA expo, JDG (Janus Division Group) will present the final version of the new polymer frame for 3rd generation Glock 17 pistols. It is made of durable polymer and fits replicas made by UMAREX, Tokyo Marui and WE. The presentation and tests will take place at Poseidon's stand, which, as it turns out, did all the work for JDG.



The frame bears the markings of the Polymer 80 (P80) company, which has granted JDG the appropriate license. P80 is a manufacturer of firearm parts made of high quality polymers. Although it sounds a bit strange, we would like to remind You that the Glock, which was created in the 1980, has a polymer frame and for the past 40 years has been regarded as one of the best pistols in history. Today, many other pistols with polymer frames are available. P80 went a step further and also makes, among other things, polymer lower receivers for AR15 and AR10 (.308 Win) system carbines, including ones in a form of a kit.


Photos: JDG, Polymer 80



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