The Z series replicas are ready and distributors can place orders. According to information from LCT, deliveries to stores will start in January, so in three to four weeks. Four replicas will be available at first:
The ZKS-74M is the AKS-74M (with a folding stock), which has:
- the PK-242 muzzle break
- the ZB-30 handguard with the ZB-31C cover
- the ZB-33 receiver cover
- the ZPT-1 stock
The ZCK-104 is the AK-104, at least in our opinion, which LCT consistently sells in a set with a replica of the magazine for 5.45x39 mm rounds (instead of 7.62x39 mm, which it also makes). It has the following parts installed:
- the ZDTK-2 muzzle break
- the ZB-10M handguard with the ZB-19 cover
- the ZB-33 receiver cover
- the ZPT-1 stock
The ZP-19-01 (Vityaz) with:
- the ZB-21M handguard and the ZB-19 cover
- the ZPT-1 stock
The ZKS-74U (AKS-74U) with:
- the ZDTK-2 muzzle break
- the ZB-11 handguard and the ZB-19 cover
- the ZPT-1 stock
Replicas DO NOT have mechanical blowback (EBB), intensively promoted by LCT. Further accessories, such as, for example, the ZRP-1 charging handle extension
or the ZRK-3 grip (also available in the slim version with a motor) must be purchased separately.
We do not know the prices yet, but looking at the economical sets, we are becoming convinced that there will be no miracles and it won't be cheap.
Accessory designations were given according to LCT naming.
Source: LCT Airsoft