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Deliveries of new gas-powered KAC M110 SASS by VFC have started
Deliveries of new gas-powered KAC M110 SASS by VFC have started

Deliveries of new gas-powered KAC M110 SASS by VFC have started

Deliveries of new gas-powered KAC M110 SASS by VFC have started
Deliveries of new gas-powered KAC M110 SASS by VFC have started


In mid-January, we published information about the upcoming release of a licensed gas-powered replica of the KAC M110 SASS by VFC. As usual, something went not entirely as expected by the manufacturer and just yesterday VFC has announced the start of distribution of the rifle in Asia and Europe. The information is probably about the start of deliveries to distributors - so you will probably have to wait a while to make a purchase. In order to make the wait of those interested a bit more pleasant, and possibly to facilitate the decision-making process, we present some stylized photos from the VFC website.






The dedicated silencer visible in some photos is not included in the set - you have to buy it separately.

First impressions and tests have already been carried out by people from Unicorn Airsoft. Below is a screenshot of their FB post and profile link.


Here, in turn, a short review by RedWolf:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" />

The current price of the replica in pre-order is 514 USD at WGC and 519.99 USD at Redwolfairsoft. We haven't met seen the replica at European stores yet.



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