Make Arma Not War 2025 - Bohemia Interactive competition
An interesting competition from the creators of one of the most famous military simulators.
EMG TTI JW3 Combat Master is an AEP for you!
An interesting replica resulting from close cooperation between Taiwangun and CYMA.
T112 - New anti-material rifles in Taiwan's Army
Deliveries of new anti-material rifles to Taiwan's army are scheduled to begin at the end of June.
Test luf precyzyjnych Poseidon
Do redakcji trafiły 2 lufy precyzyjne Poseidon - dla wieli maniaków firmy jeszcze mało znanej i dosyć egzotycz...
Misja Afganistan 2017 - sprawozdanie i wywiad [WIDEO] [ZDJĘCIA...
Zapraszam do zapoznania się ze sprawozdaniem z jednej z największych i najciekawszych imprez ASG organizowan...
Mission Afghanistan 2018 - REPORT
On 6 - 9 July 2018, near the village of Szaniec, a consecutive, 5th edition of the event titled Mission Afgha...
The Norwegian project
An interview with Sebastian "Marine", a member of an airsoft team reenacting the infantry unit of the mechaniz...