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Tokyo Marui AKM GBB
Tokyo Marui AKM GBB

Tokyo Marui AKM GBB

Tokyo Marui AKM GBB
Tokyo Marui AKM GBB

In December last year, during the 6th edition of the annual Tokyo Marui Festival, the announcements of new TM products planned for 2020 were shown. Among them was a Glock 17 Gen.4 replica, which is already available at some retailers, and a gas powered AKM.


Back then it was still a mock-up, not a working prototype. A few days ago, a video presenting a working copy appeared on the Internet. It is certainly not the final version yet, but as you can see, it is operational. We have no information on the release date or price, but it certainly won't be cheap.

A video from the test:






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