Airsoft is not just various replicas of AKs and AR15s. Ba! Even a G36 seems like a nice change. Nevertheless, there are people in our community looking for replicas of unique weapons, and such are the models of black powder guns.
As the rumor has it, the project of the first airsoft replica of the Colt 1860 revolver is being developed.
The product is to be based on a revolver replica made by Denix, a company well known in the reenactors circles. The original intention of the designer of the project, Phil from the MrRJC channel, was to propel a BB using percussion caps, but the idea was dropped for various reasons.
As we learn, the replica has a new firing system and its prototype is nearing completion. Unfortunately, more details were not provided and people interested in it were ask to subscribe to the designer's Youtube channel and await a new video.
Do you think such a replica has a chance to find fans on the modern airsoft battlefield?