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AN-94 AEG - the first of many announcements from the Polish store Taiwangun
AN-94 AEG - the first of many announcements from the Polish store Taiwangun

AN-94 AEG - the first of many announcements from the Polish store Taiwangun

AN-94 AEG - the first of many announcements from the Polish store Taiwangun
AN-94 AEG - the first of many announcements from the Polish store Taiwangun

The Polish store Taiwangun has presented among its new products a replica of one of the rarest and often sough after designs from the Eastern Bloc. Straight from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. computer game, the design of the Nikon Automat (more widely known under the designations AN-94) is partly based on the design of Mikhail Kalashnikov, while introducing a whole range of innovations.

Using parts of the AK carbine such as magazines and ammunition, a moving barrel system was created that allows for two round bursts before the barrel changes its position as a result of recoil. As declared by the manufacturer, the airsoft replica is also to have this system reproduced in the form of a moving external barrel. The replica itself will use standard AK magazines, will be equipped with a dedicated gearbox and will be manufactured by S&T.

Development work on the replica is still being done and we only learned from the Taiwangun store about the expected premiere in 2026. At the moment, the replica is not available in stores, and is only presented at the store's website with a price of around 544 EUR.

While waiting for the AN-94 replica, fans of historical replicas will be able to enjoy a whole range of Soviet designs. This year, replicas of such classics as the World War II SVT-40 rifle or the slightly younger SKS, which were announced during the MOA 2024 fair at the S&T stand, are to be released.

There is a possibility that another Soviet replica will appear in the form of the DP-28.
We also know about plans to create replicas of machine guns such as BREN, Negev or RPD, but their development will depend on the interest in the new replicas.

Photos: Taiwangun, WMASG



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