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Tokyo Marui CQBR GBB

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Tokyo Marui announced on their website the release date of their new CQBR. It will be available from 2016-11-25.


CQBR Block1 Tokyo Marui.jpg

CQBR Block1 is another replica that uses the new ZET System.


ZET system.jpg

CQBR Block1 Tokyo Marui 1 (1).jpg

CQBR Block1 Tokyo Marui 1 (2).jpg


CQBR Block1 Tokyo Marui 1 (4).jpg

CQBR Block1 Tokyo Marui 1 (3).jpg

The R.A.S rails are made of metal.


CQBR Block1 Tokyo Marui 1 (5).jpg

The magazine is made of aluminium. The weight should be the same as of the fully loaded real steal.



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