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Tactical scopes is an accessory which is very popular among sport shooters and special forces operators alike. The trend was picked up by airsofters who use such scopes during their games. 

So what’s so special about them? The whole secret lies in their versatility - most such designs have a fluid adjusted magnification in the range of 1-4x, done by turning a ring. Combined with a illuminated reticules in shapes similar to reflector sights we get a sight system which combines advantages of a magnifying scope and a reflector sight. The downside of hits design however, is the need to often change the magnification by turning the ring, which can be troublesome at times. To ease the task and speed it up, a special lever was developed, mounted on the regulation ring.




Throwlevers online strore intruduced levers dedicated to the following scopes:

- Leica Magnus
- Meopta R1, ZD and Meopro
- Meopta R2
- Steiner Nighthunter Xtreme
- Swarovski Z6(i) and Z8i
- Vortex PST and HST
- Vortex Razor HD II
- Zeiss Conquest V6
- Zeiss Victory V8








They are made from POM-C. The thread for the mounting screw is made of steel. The price of a single lever is 25 euro, plus 2,50 euro for shipping. 






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