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Operacja Vortex: Impreza airsoftowa

This article comes from an older version of the portal and its display (especially images) may deviate from current standards.

The situation has become tense. The Republic of Siras has decided to forcefully take over the deposits in Nicosia. Anamur, unable to reconcile with the course of the situation, decides to join the fight for the Asinus deposit. The initial lack of agreement turns into an open armed conflict.



Place: Camp Wola - Centrum Rozrywki Militarnej, Mazowieckie, pow. siedlecki


Sides to the conflict:

NICOSIA - A state overwhelmed by civil war, with many Asinus deposits
ANAMURA – A power lying in the north of Nicosia
SIRAS - A republic lying in the south of Nicosia


Number of participants (260 participants + Nicosia):

Nicosia – side that can only be joined through the organizer's personal invitation.

ANAMURA - 130 participants (tickets sold in series of 50/50/30) - tickets

THE REPUBLIC OF SIRAS – 130 participants (tickets sold in series of 50/50/30) - tickets

- I Series of tickets (50 pcs per side) – 120 PLN

- II Series of tickets (50 pcs per side) - 130 PLN

- III Series of tickets (30 pcs per side)- 150 PLN


Game Schedule (23.06.2018)

- Registration: 7:00 - 9:00

- General briefing: 9:00 – 9:30

- Briefing at the staffs of the commanders of the sides: 10:00 - 10:40

- The game starts at: 11:00

- The game ends at: 17:00

- Technical break: 17:00 – 18:30

- Final briefing: 18:30

- Official ending of the event: 19:00

- After Party + Runika band concert starts at: 19:10 – until late night



Innovation of the game:

During the Vortex Operation, a game organized by the AirsoftMasters group, an innovative electronic system based on RFID proximity cards will be introduced (personal cards will be issued to participants during registration, they will be necessary to participate in the game).

MEDICS - Each of the medics will receive an electronic defibrillator, which will work when the participant's RFID card is approached. It will limit situations related to incorrect calculation of treatment time by medics, in this case the system will be responsible for it. Additionally, medical statistics will be kept - devices record the cards of healed participants. The collected information is saved on the motherboard, on the basis of which the organizer will select the best medics. Full statistics of the medics will be published after the game.

More variations of the event related to the electronic system remain secret until the game begins.



The price of the ticket includes:

- A legal, varied gameplay area;

- Full organizational support along with game moderation;

- Access to the sanitary facilities;

- Medical facilities with the physical presence of qualified paramedics;

- Drinking water during the game;

- A rich starter pack for each participant + a map of the gameplay area;

- Accident insurance for the duration of the entire game;

- Dedicated parking for cars;

- Dedicated campsite;

- A hot meal during the technical break after the game;

- RUNIK band concert after the end of the game (Afterparty).


General rules:

- Only people who are over 18 years old and have full legal capacity can take part in the event.

- It is forbidden to consume alcohol and narcotic drugs before and during the game. The organizer secures the right to verify the participants using a breathalyzer.

- It is permitted to drink alcohol after the official closure of the game, which is scheduled for 19:00 (Afterparty)

- Only people who have bought an admission ticket or have obtained prior consent of the organizer have access to the area of the game competition and HQ (photo).

- People who have not applied and admitted to the game will not be allowed to enter the event area.

- Each player participating in the event is required to have certified eye protection. The organizer recommends the use of additional facial protection, e.g. a "stalker" mask.

- Three vehicles per side are allowed to play - vehicle registration (

- The rules of participation in the event will be sent via e-mail to each participant two weeks before the event, and no later than 10.06.2018.



FPS Limit

Each participant is required to submit their replicas (main and spare) to the measurement of the muzzle velocity using the Xcortech chronograph. Only replicas with special markings, confirming they have underwent the measurement and specifying the FPS range for a particular unit, will be admitted to the game. Replicas with the HP system and fast FPS adjustment will be additionally sealed by the organizer.

- up to 350 FPS– Any replica - single fire or full-auto (only single fire in CQB )

- up to 450 FPS– Any replica - single fire or full-auto (no shooting in CQB)

- up to 550 FPS - Any replica – ONLY single fire (no shooting in CQB), obligatory sidearm up to 350 FPS (CQB)

- up to 650 FPS – replica of a repeating rifle (bolt-action), obligatory sidearm up to 350 FPS (CQB)

- tolerance of +/- 10 FPS is allowed

- the „Bang” rule is acceptable – a shot declaration that only works if the opponent is surprised.


Exceeding the FPS limits results is not allowed in the game.
Use of a replica not permitted by the organizer or not in accordance with the established FPS rules results in the player being sent to the respaw or removal of the player from the game.


Vehicle mechanics:

Vehicles taking part in the game must be introduced and accepted by the organizer.
The number of vehicles is limited to 3 units per side.
The vehicles will be marked in a visible manner by the organizer with the colours of the given faction.


General rules:

- Vehicles are assigned to the driver - this is one person during the entire game, who is authorized to drive the vehicle. He/She is responsible for his/her participation in the game. The driver will be tested with a breathalyzer before the event and will be asked to present an appropriate driving licence, technical inspection document and a valid third party liability insurance.

- Vehicles will play the role of "InGame", you can fire from both the vehicle and to it. Firing from the vehicle is conditioned by the complete opening of the windows.

- The vehicle is eliminated having been struck with a 40mm airsoft grenade with a grenade launcher (a characteristic cloud of balls, easy to pick up by the driver) or another device using this type of ammunition.

- The vehicle hit activates emergency lights and is marked with an orange marker placed in a visible place, the driver is obliged to pull onto the side of the road and wait 10 minutes.

- An inactive vehicle returning to the respawn can take "corpses" with it.

- The driver is immortal until he/she leaves the car. He/she dies when the vehicle is hit with a 40mm grenade launcher.

- The driver who has left the vehicle is treated as an ordinary player, in the case of his/her "death" the car is also considered to be eliminated from the game.

- The respawn time of the vehicle lasts 30 minutes.



Help for organisator is provided by:


IRAT - Iron Ravens Airsoft Team





2nd CEB - 2nd CEB


2ND CEB.png

2ND CEB.png



