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The GROM operator named the medic of the year by SOMA!
The GROM operator named the medic of the year by SOMA!

The GROM operator named the medic of the year by SOMA!

The GROM operator named the medic of the year by SOMA!
The GROM operator named the medic of the year by SOMA!

A soldier of the JW 2305 (GROM) was chosen by the SOMA organization as the best special forces medic in 2019

The operator, who most bears the "Maniek" nickname, was honored by the Special Operations Medial Association (SOMA) with the title of the "International SOF Medic of the Year 2019". In the official communication from the organization, we read, among others:

"Maniek's courage in the field, as well as his heroic efforts to provide training opportunities and education for his medical colleagues, brought him this honor." SOMA commends his efforts to strengthen the cooperation between SOF medics in Europe and the world. "

"Maniek" will be decorated during the annual SOMA banquet, the "Mess Night", which will take place on May 9, 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

All we need to add here is: "Strength and Honor!"




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