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Paintball Training Weapons - more info.
Paintball Training Weapons - more info.

Paintball Training Weapons - more info.

Paintball Training Weapons - more info.
Paintball Training Weapons - more info.

As you probably remember, in our article about the E&L QBZ-95 11mm Paintball Training Weapon we informed you about the E&L Airsoft product line intended for the uniformed services market. Recently, the company's fanpage showed photos of a new product from this line. This time it is a handgun, called the QSZ-92G 11mm Paintball Proffesional Training Weapon.

At the same time, E&L Airsoft fans in the comments under the pictures strongly remind the company about one part of its name, i.e. "Airsoft", thus demanding the immediate introduction of airsoft counterparts of the above-mentioned paintball markers.




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