Conversions of pistols, whether it's a replica or a real firearm, are becoming more and more popular. It's enough to mention the conversion by CAA or FAB for the Glock pistols. Handguns equipped in this way can be seen in the hands of Polish law enforcement servicemen, or even James Bond.
This time the SRU Precision company, that makes conversion kits for, among others, the VSR 10 TM sniper rifle or Glock's replica by Umarex, offers airsoft fans a conversion kit for the Mk23 SOCOM NBB (non blow back) pistol by Tokyo Marui and KSC (GBB).
The conversion kit will give the user the ability to "work" in the stealth mode (CQB) - pistol without a silencer, and in the "sniper" version - with the attached silencer (enclosed by the conversion kit). In addition, the conversion will have space for a spare magazine and the conversion kit's buttstock is to be adjustable.
The proposed price is 149.00 USD. Conversions are expected to appear around April 25, 2019.