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EMG TTI JW3 Combat Master presentation
EMG TTI JW3 Combat Master presentation

EMG TTI JW3 Combat Master presentation

EMG TTI JW3 Combat Master presentation
EMG TTI JW3 Combat Master presentation

Airsoft Mike is testing the EMG Combat Master replica. Its worth watching, because probably there will soon be reviews of a competitive Army Armament replica of the same pistol appearing soon.

And since we are at Mike's videos ... His next one is about a very interesting EMG Hudson H9 pistol we mentioned earlier.


31-08-2019 @ 12:02
Uwielbiam te jego filmiki i tradycyjne "niiiice" i "however" :) A co do tego Combat Mastera to naprawdę robi wrażenie - wygląd zewnętrzny powala, w środku też nie jest gorzej.

