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F35s got a green light
F35s got a green light

F35s got a green light

F35s got a green light
F35s got a green light

In the evening of 11/09/2019 Mariusz Błaszczak, the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Poland, has informed the public about the positive decision of the US Department of State regarding the purchase of F35 stealth multirole fighters by Poland.


The department has agreed to sell 32 Lockheed Martin's machines to Poland. We are now waiting for the Congress to approve the decision, said Minister Blaszczak. Congress has two weeks to respond to the Department of State assessment.


The Americans set the price for 32 aircraft, 33 Pratt & Whitney F-135 engines, electronic warfare systems, command and reconnaissance support systems as well as logistics and training systems at 6.5 billion USD.

The Polish government asked for the purchase of 32 F35 machines (two squadrons) from the US government in May this year.



