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GF Custom Vintage
GF Custom Vintage

GF Custom Vintage

GF Custom Vintage
GF Custom Vintage

Gunfire has reminded on Facebook profile about its custom made replicas from the Vintage series that have been prepared as part of the informal GF Custom Division project. It concerns selected replicas, which have been manually aged to give them unique character. Thanks to various treatments, the replicas look not like the ones taken straight out of the box, but rather as if they had a long and interesting story behind them. It is worth noting that due to the type of treatment carried out, there are no two identical copies.


The full offer looks like this:


Unfortunately, if you want to buy a ready-made replica "with character" you have to take into account the need to spend a larger amount of money. In most cases, the custom price is nearly 30% higher than the price of a replica that hasn't undergone the aging treatment. The Custom Vintage replicas are not tuned.



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