Two weeks ago Blast Youtube channel has reminded its viewers about an old video depicting two brave contractors - Packy and Botasky. The video is from 2010, but we think it is worth to be remembered. It lasts nearly 22 minutes.
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The main character, Packy uses a weapons, which was supposed to be a breakthrough in secret operations carried out behind enemy lines.
I'm talking about the KAC SR-47 carbine, which was a version of the AR-15 powered by 7.62x39 mm rounds feed straight from AK magazines. The history of military versions of this carbine probably ended on tests (but who knows the whole truth). Meanwhile, airsoft replicas of this badass weapon are available. The photo below presents the Cyma CM.093 from current production run. It has a 330 mm long barrel, and a muzzle velocity of 340 fps.
You can read about the short history of SR-47 here: LINK
Photos: Taiwangun and blog Future War Stories