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The new USMC plate carriers are already in service
The new USMC plate carriers are already in service

The new USMC plate carriers are already in service

The new USMC plate carriers are already in service
The new USMC plate carriers are already in service

The United States Marine Corps began implementing new generation of plate carriers to provide better fitting and greater mobility.



The Plate Carrier Generation III is a lightweight plate carrying system equipped with appropriate ballistic plates that protect against bullets and shrapnel.


The vest will replace the older generation of plate carriers, offering lower total system weight and increased mobility. The new system is 25% lighter than its predecessor.


In 2016, the Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) conducted research to analyze the components and effectiveness of the prototype version of the PC Gen. III. Marines tested both older and prototype systems while exercising on various obstacle courses, including walking at a steady pace over a distance of 15 kilometers.
The results of the study showed that the participants completed the track faster and in better condition using newer technology. Increased mobility and improved ability to use Marines weapons when using the PC Gen. III prototype were also confirmed.




Another advantage of PC Gen. III is fitting. Command has decided to increase the variety of sizes, so that nearly 15,000 more marines, both men and women, will fit much better in the new size system compared to older technology. The newer system also adapts to the body, increasing protection and reducing the risk of injury resulting from incorrect fitting.


The PC Gen III was designed for people of different sizes and height, both for women Marines, constituting 2 percent of the Corps, and the male part of the USMC. The curvature of the ballistic plates used in the new system is adapted to the size of the chest and abdomen without compromising protection.
At the first new PCs Gen. III will be sent to infantry units, then the new bulletproof vest will be delivered to support units. Deliveries of the new PC Gen III are expected to be completed until 2023.

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