HIKMICRO Condor LRF 2.0 and Falcon 2.0 thermal imagers
HIKMICRO has refreshedthe popular Condor LRF and Falcon series thermal imaging monoculars.

Magpul DAKA® Range Bag
Magpul has introduced 20 and 40 liters capacity DAKA® Range Bags.

Templars Gear for the Polish Army
Some very interesting information appeared on the Templars Gear social media profile regarding the assignment ...

Agilite Sub-Zero Plate Carrier
The Israeli manufacturer of tactical equipment has introduced a new model of a low-profile Plate Carrier.

711L - smart tools for EDC and a shooting range
New ratcheting wrenches, invaluable in any EDC.

EDC flashlight proposal from NITECORE
Details of the new EDC23 Saber flashlight.

Proper Grid Chest Rig N.22 from our perspective
A new player in the field of tactical gear, which combines modern laminates and laser cutting technology, with...

Being John Wick - BC ARMS stand at MSPO 2024
At the Polish BC Arms Sp. z o. o. stand, our attention was drawn to two rather peculiar vests providing protec...

PSO Maskpol S.A. at MSPO 2024
PSO Maskpol S.A., part of the Polish Armament Group, has presented the latest ROCK 3.0 bulletproof vest, a new...

Wisport at MSPO 2024 with two new backpack models
Wisport has presented two new backpack models this year. One of them is the modernized CRAFTER model and the s...

Down jackets, softshells and modernized uniforms for the Polis...
This year the MSPO Kielce fair also included a presentation prepared by the Military Research and Implementati...

[S] Templars Gear TPC + ładownica pionowa GTW + 3x ładownice m4 idogear, + admin panel idogear
Uniwersalny pokrowiec na manierkę Miwo Cordura Ranger Green
Worek na odzysk WS-11 CORD Miwo Military Cordura Ranger Green
Pokrowiec na małą butelkę Nalgene 0,5l Everyday Wide Cordura 1000D Ranger Green od Baribal Poland

Mundur partizan leto

Flir Breach PTQ136

[S] Multicam lot

Fast TMC super high cut/ marintime

Plecak Zasobnik Piechoty Górskiej wz991/MON

Pas do karabinków AK

Pas ALICE LC2 - Oryginalny, Demobil US Army (2 z 2)

Pas ALICE LC2 - Oryginalny, Demobil US Army (1 z 2)

Szelki ALICE LC2 Olive - Oryginalne, Demobil US Army

Ładownica na 4 magazynki AK/AR15 - 8 fields

Ładownice na granaty F1 ORYGINALNE

Kabura Airsoftowa do klonów serii G17 - Black [Amomax]

Primal Gear G3 woodland

Spodnie rosyjskie kamuflaż VSR

Bluza Armii Estońskiej TTsKO

ESS NVG green

Surefire M951

Kamizelka taktyczna z systemem Molle

Poncho zimowe bundeswehry