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Next part of IWA & OutdoorClassics 2009 report, regards to Polish company GFC, and meeting with Jing Gong representatives.


In on of the corners of hall no. 3, there were stands of familiar brands: Polish GunFire, presenting themselves under GFC Group brand,G&G and King Arms. GFC was right nex to King Arms stand, and opposite there was a bit bigger stand of Guay Guay. We visited GunFire at 3-701 stand, where we could meet managing directors: Paweł Zalewski and Piotr Janisiów.





Visiting GunFire was a pleasant time for us, thanks to kind welcome by GunFire staff.




GFC prestented mostly replicas already known to customers of Polish shop.






Though there were presented new GFC AK74 series with EBB, which we would describe below. Replicas are made for GunFire by Chinese JG.Unfortunately taking a photo of interior parts was impossible, with neither of our cameras and changing the light - parts were covered with a grease reflecting light.




GunFire had also showed us intresting electric device, which should be introduced to the market shortly. It is similar to one circuit already described on WMasg forum. There were no details on origin of this idea, but it has some interesting practical application, which we got known thanks to talk with Maciek, GunFire employee.


Circuit allows to speed up, trigger reaction time, which in result, in comparison to standard AEG is immediate. It also prevents unintended double shots: when another trigger pull would be read as too quick for human action - circuit would prevent taking a shot. It also allows to shoot burst by short trigger action, on auto-mode. Apart from that device monitors battery power, and prevents from excessive discharge. When it is connected with designated HU chamber, in replicas with functional bolt catch, circuit eliminates blank shots, so it is impossible to take a shot when magazine is empty or not feeding BBs.




GFC team had also arranged a meeting with Jing Gong representatives, who had designed new EBB AK74 series for GunFire. We have met them on Saturday noon at GFC stand. We have met three representatives of one of the JG deparments (Mr. Peiwei C. general manager, Christine X. sales manager and at the same time our interpreter, and one of the associates). J.G. Wokrs Hong Kong is divided into departments working on certain groups of replicas. We have met staff working on AK47, AK74 EBB, MP5 and MP5K, G3, G36, SIG, AUG and P90. So there is other deparment working on let's say M4/M16 serie, with which our interlocutors had no connection in general. Unfortunately, because of Chinese regulations in airsoft branch, JG representatives did not agree to take and publish any photos.



We have first asked about AK74 EBB produced for GFC. They introduced to us, functioning basis of their EBB mechanism. It is classic, mechanic symulation of breech movement, with attachment to replica's piston. So it is just EBB generated by piston movement. Presented mechanism did not look fragile, but we would know about its durability, after longer usage.

We learned as well that at present, after AK74 series, JG is working on MP5 EBB series, and after that there would be introduced three other replicas with that system: SIG550, SIG552 and SIG556.  Of course as for gearbox v2, EBB would be a bit different than in AK, though functioning would have a same basis: simulated blow back would be generated by piston movement.



Another question we have raised, was regarding to materials used for making replicas. We were courious, if JG would use as Boyi and Cyma, materials used in production of real guns - like steel in AK series. We have heard that next series would have more of such a materials: i.e. more steel parts. Their aim is to make their AK series as a full steel version.



In the end we have asked Chinese producer, about their plans for future. After introducing MP5 and SIG with EBB, they want to start working on gas versions of AK74, MP5 and SIG. Gas replicas would run on CO2 from capsules in stock or magazines.




Exhibitor webpage:


Translation: Bukhart



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