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KWA stand was the last more spacious one of well known producer, which we have visited during IWA & OutdoorClassics 2009.


Their display might be considered humble and empty, but KWA was always seen as a company putting efforts to the quality - not the quantity.




KWA representative Peter C. Ching have taken a keen interest in Polish airsoft market, law or restrictions regarding airsoft. At their show case we could see all the replicas from this year catalogue KWAusa.




We talked about new products, and we appointed further contact to arrange a review of the newest KWA M4 replica.





KWA M-series at a closer look, make a very good impression. They are heavier than most competitive products, seems more massive and durable. Metal and plastic texture is very nice.




KWA stand was the last of main airsoft exhibitors on IWA 2009. Some smaller benches, and our impressions on airsoft part of IWA in the next part of the report.



Exhibitor webpage:



  • Platinium partner

    Gold partner

  • Silver partner

  • Tactical partner