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Will the Polish MAPA camo see the light of day?
Will the Polish MAPA camo see the light of day?

Will the Polish MAPA camo see the light of day?

Will the Polish MAPA camo see the light of day?
Will the Polish MAPA camo see the light of day?

A few years ago, there was a lot of publicity in the industry media about starting work on testing and the implementing uniforms and gear in camouflage called MAPA (Eng. map).


The camouflage itself was designed by Dr. Maciej Dojlitko from the Visual Communication Studio of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. The pattern was developed as a digital, multi-layer system which task is to ensure good masking and concealment of the silhouette at short and long distances.


The project mentioned in the introduction is a joint undertaking of Maskpol and Wisport, a manufacturer of military and tourist backpacks. The companies announce, or at least this can be concluded from the news on Maskpol's fan page, that the Chicago and Sparrow EGG backpacks will be released in the MAPA camouflage.


More details have not been given, so all fans of the would-be Polish Army camouflage have to be patient for now. We will keep our tabs on this project an informing you about the next moves of the manufacturers.




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