The "followers" of PenCott camouflage patterns will probably be pleased to hear about the availability (for the time being of a trial batch) of two new camouflages with names reminiscent of the American Marines.
LeatherNeck and DevillDog patterns were created with the North American landscape in mind and are 4 color variations of the standard camouflage geometry used by PenCott.
DevilDog™ pattern is designed for high plains, dry and desert areas with little vegetation and similar types of terrain with light sandy soil and sparse vegetation.
LeatherNeck™ is designed for use in temperate terrains with a significant amount of brown tones - such as pine forests, mixed forests with reddish soil.
A trial batch of products in the described camouflages, including caps, jackets and scarfs are available from the distributor of products made in PenCott camouflages, 0241 Tactical .
How do you like the new PenCott offer?