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Light Infantry - tactical and shooting competition
Light Infantry - tactical and shooting competition

Light Infantry - tactical and shooting competition

Light Infantry - tactical and shooting competition
Light Infantry - tactical and shooting competition

From Saturday to Sunday (September 17-18, 2021) in the area and in the vicinity of the Podwórze Koguta shooting range in Zielnowo, near Wejherowo, Klub Strzelających Inaczej organized a shooting competition that was unique for Poland. Almost 100 competitors, competing in pairs, verified their shooting skills as part of the competition, performing numerous tasks on various and demanding shooting courses. In the meantime, they had to demonstrate their navigational abilities and also their fitness while completing subsequent posts located around the shooting range. Depending on the category, the number of posts to complete was 30 for the Light Infantry, 20 for Lighter Infantry and 15 for the Extra Light Infantry. Ultimately, the distance traveled by the participants of the Light Infantry category between shooting ranges was between 40 and even 50 km with full load. An additional difficulty was the so-called shooting windows, because the participants had to return from the route to the shooting range with in a given time to complete the shooting. There were windows for each of the categories - 5, 4 and 2, respectively.



Wraz ze startem uczestnicy musieli nosić ze sobą całe wyposażenie. W „bazie” dysponowali jedynie niewielkich rozmiarów pudełkiem-schowkiem o pojemności 10L. Przeważnie przetrzymywana tam była, wydana w trakcie odprawy taśma z amunicją do karabinu PK, do jednej z konkurencji — strzelanie do wskazanych celów na dystansie 120m.



Borys Romanko, the main initiator and organizer of the competition, emphasized in a short interview that the main goal of the competition is to create the possibility of testing one's skills in the state of extreme fatigue for sport shooters with a tactical flair. We were not surprised to see many familiar faces from the "Old Guard", friends of WMASG. A nice view confirming the connection of seemingly separate passions  for some - airsoft and shooting.



Shooting during the Light Infantry took very different forms. Torah forced cooperation in pairs, but not always both people shot. The formula allowed, for example, to exchange in shooting when someone hit the target worse. It often happened that one competitor would shoot, while the other allowed him to do so by performing a different task, e.g. holding a load of several kilograms in the air. Elsewhere, the shooter was getting a target bearing that his partner had to decode. Each track had different requirements. Over 28 different tracks have been prepared (22 on Saturday, 6 on Sunday) at distances from several meters, through a killing house, to 350 meters (last day). On Saturday, from our point of view, the shooting lasted from 8:30 to 21:30 non-stop, so for the last ones good tactical flashlights were useful. In addition, time could be "cut" by participating in the night paintball shooting, but not everyone took advantage of this opportunity. Participants used their own weapons, both carbines and pistols. And although the weather on the day of the competition was good, the torrential rains the day before additionally ensured verification of the condition of the weapons, sights and the rest of the equipment in a state of high mud and humidity. Some of the weapons ceased to operate after some time in these conditions.



The competition was held for the sixth time, and the next edition is scheduled for May next year. It should be noted that during the competition there was a very friendly atmosphere, the judges were helpful and judging by the reactions of the participants, for all the Light Infantry, apart from being a sports competition, it was also a social event. We are all the more happy that we could participate in it. Thank you for the invitation!


Light Infantry Winners

Light Infantry: I place STS/326, II place Pendaly z SGO, III place ULFHEDNAR TRAINING SQUAD
Lighter Infantry: I place Pro Tech Guns, II place Kanapowcy, III place Contractors on a sick leave 2.0
Extra Light Infantry: I place OP Team, II place Team Rusznikarnia.eu, III place Easy Bro

Full list of results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c2KwQ8kDludU6M_JA1kurRqJ91Orbl3xy2Gq2HIYfvg  


Borys Romanko - the originator and main organizer of the Light Infantry


Strzelnica w Zielnowie

The main object of the struggle of the Light Infantry - the shooting range in Zielnowo






  • Platinium partner

    Gold partner

  • Silver partner

  • Tactical partner