A small company called USV Gear (Replica G3 on Facebook), that deals with sewing tactical clothing, including replicas of Crye Precision uniforms, has presented an interesting product - a replica of the Colonial Marines uniforms known from the James Cameron movie "Aliens".
The uniforms are available in pre-order, and the price can be obtained after contacting the manufacturer directly. The manufacturer, by virtue of his profession, offers uniforms in a different cuts, so it really depends on the customer whether he will be a Colonial Marine in the CP G3 cut, or the Polish wz.128/MON.
In combination with a Pulse Rifle replica (for example one made by Snow Wolf) and a "fancy" helmet, the uniform can be a nice change on airsoft arenas full of Multicam, Pencott or other camos.
Worth attention? How do you think?
Sources: soldiersystems.net, Replica G3, gunfire.com, alien.fandom.com