There is not much choice in the segment of pistols replicas from the compact and subcompact categories. The only replicas are the LCP and Bodyguard .380 by Tokyo Marui. After the success of the first version, it's time for another replica from this category. The LCP II is expected to appear on the market on March 4. And don't let the II confuse you, because it could be a brand new replica. As in the real firearm, the LCP II has a trigger with a safety feature known from the Glock design.
Internally, there have also been some changes compared to the first version, although the manufacturer mentions only the lack of compatibility of magazines between the LCP and LCP II replicas.
Externally, it will be more angular, with ribbing on the slide. The grip will have a similar profile, but the texture will be different. Ruger logo will also be present. There are also fixed sights, which in the case of the LCP II may be a bit larger. In addition to the trigger and the magazine release, another movable element is a functional safety button on the left side of the slide.
LCP version below
Thanks to the courtesy of SERWIS DEXTER recently we had the opportunity to hold and see the M&P Bodyguard 380 replicas (which is structurally similar to the LCP), we must admit that they make an impression. The specificity of the "double action" trigger makes it quite resistant, but without any problems. The replica itself fits on an open hand, which makes it a perfect replica for all kinds of LARP and MILSIM games.
Craftsmanship is at a high level as befits Tokyo Marui, but the solutions used surprise with their simplicity. As it turns out, gas powered replicas without a moving slide (NBB-Non Blow Back) can still surprise you. The replicas are to have their premiere on March 4, their price quoted by the manufacturer is 7980 ¥, or about 63 EUR. The replica will have approximately 280 fps of muzzle velocity. You can see it at the MANUFACTURER'S WEBSITE.