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New ECU control system by Double Eagle
New ECU control system by Double Eagle

New ECU control system by Double Eagle

New ECU control system by Double Eagle
New ECU control system by Double Eagle

Double Eagle, the manufacturer of replicas with the widely known "Falcon" system, which is one of the cheapest ETU chips on the market, has unexpectedly introduced a new product. The new AX-15 replica, licensed by AroKnox, features the latest Kstrel V2 ETU chip.





It will be a wirelessly controlled (via Bluetooth) ETU system that offers changes of firing modes at individual selector positions (binary, burst), AUG trigger (single fire with a shorter pull, continuous fire with a longer one), sniper (probably a minimum time between shots) and a few unspecified functions. The replica itself will have full AeroKnox markings, a characteristic handguard, a new "diamond" pistol grip with an interesting design, a simple trigger, a different fire selector and a standard 14 m CCW thread for muzzle devices. The premiere of the replica took place today (July 25), so one should expect this configuration to be available in stores soon.

Maybe we will be able to enjoy this setup in the upcoming EK47 replica?






