In the life of every airsoft player, there comes a time when they want to try out gas powered replicas. While replicas of pistols are obvious, it is a bit worse when it comes to rifles. Instead of buying such a GBB replica, you can now be interested in APS Airsoft's innovative approach to the subject. They showed a working conversion system for AEG replicas called the G.BOX, which uses a standard AEG receiver but a modified gearbox frame that allows the an opportunity to enjoy a functional gas powered replica. This conversion maintains compatibility with most AEG parts. It includes CO2 magazines (and possibly Green Gas powered magazines in the future), a trigger mechanism made of steel and a gearbox frame with an attached nozzle. The presented replica has a working bolt cach, but it was not stated how it was designed and whether it would be required in a replica for the conversion to work. Naturally, the association with the Daytona Airsoft conversion comes to mind, but these are completely different solutions.
The first replica with this system will be the X1 Ultimate pistol. The replica is to achieve 320 fps, use a dedicated hop-up chamber, barrel and rubber buckings in the VSR standard. External parts in the form of a receiver, grip, handguard and manipulators will be made in accordance with the Tokyo Marui standard. The manufacturer already lists the prices on his website and they are $ 299.38 for a complete replica with the conversion kit installed and $ 61.79 for a CO2 magazine.
More information is available at the MANUFACTURER'S WEBSITE and in a VIDEO showing how the system works.