After releasing bolt carriers for Tokyo MaruiMWS system replicas (SLR Bolt Carrier for MSW Tokyo Marui replicas) Dytac is introducing new parts to the market. This time we will get a new hop-up chamber set and a piston head.
The new piston head (65 degrees) is to be made of the FMK material.
The new hop-up chamber assembly includes a 65 degree bucking made of FMK, a chamber made of 6061 aluminum with additional protection in a form of anodizing and a pressure adjustment system also made of 6061 aluminum and similar coating.
Manufacturer listed prices are $10 for the piston head and hop-up bucking, $35 for the new chamber and bucking kit, $32 for the hop-up adjustment only and $62 for the full chamber, adjustment and hop-up bucking kit.
Photos: Dytac