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LCT Airsoft is back on Facebook
LCT Airsoft is back on Facebook

LCT Airsoft is back on Facebook

LCT Airsoft is back on Facebook
LCT Airsoft is back on Facebook

People who follow our website or profiles of airsoft manufacturers on social media have probably already noticed that over a month ago the LCT Airsoft Facebook account was suspended. We wrote more about it here.

The good news is that the LCT Airsoft crew decided to create their profile from scratch and rebuild the community gathered around it. For this reason, this popular manufacturer of replicas and airsoft equipment has made a request to all of us.

If you want to express your support for LCT Airsoft and add your brick so that its presence in social media will once again bring airsoft enthusiasts from all over the world together, take a few seconds to like and follow the new official LCT Airsoft profile.

Photos: LCT Airsoft



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