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MARSH 5 (2024) - details and patronage
MARSH 5 (2024) - details and patronage

MARSH 5 (2024) - details and patronage

MARSH 5 (2024) - details and patronage
MARSH 5 (2024) - details and patronage

Now, when the excitement after MARSH Revolution 2023 has already subsided for good, and the event organizers received extensive feedback from a large part of the participants, it can be clearly stated: this year's game was a hit and the vast majority of respondents liked it.

We will not shy away from the fact that, being impressed by the high degree of preparation of the last event, we decided to follow suit and seek further cooperation. We are therefore pleased to announce that the next edition of the 48-hour game - MARSH 5 - is under our media patronage once more!

We already know many details about next year's game. Once again, it will take place in Lipa (Podkarpackie Voivodeship), this time in July (18-21/07/2024). A maximum of 990 players will take part in it, and the organizers will be even more open to guests from abroad. The plot will be a continuation of this year's events. Personnel changes in the command staff have been announced, and the tension is further fueled by rumors regarding the return of players known from other large games in command roles. As usual, the skirmishes between three factions - STORM, NOMAD and RATS - will take place with the assistance of pyrotechnics and the support of numerous ingame vehicles.

The organizing collective MARSH - Airsoft conducts constant communication with players at their own social media profile, the aim of which is to promote the event, but also to refine all existing rules in such a way that they minimize the number of conflict situations and bring participants of next year's game even more joy and satisfaction.

The website of the event, its rules and regulations, and the starting date of selling ticket are also known: November 10, 2023

Tickets can be purchased in several ways. The cost of participation in the game will be 399PLN (around 90 EUR) for those who decide to fight for a ticket in the first round - later the price will increase to 444 PLN (around 100 EUR) . It will also be possible to make a split payment. People interested in such a solution will first pay 240PLN (around 54 EUR) in the form of a deposit, and then they will be obliged to pay an additional amount of 250PLN (around 56 EUR) between May 1, 2024 to June 15, 2024.

We would like to remind you that the well-known annual Airsoft Players' Choice Awards will begin soon. If you liked this year's MARSH Revolution 2023 event, feel free to nominate it for this prestigious award. In this way, you can support the work that the Polish organizers did so far and help promote next year's edition among foreign players. Of course, we also encourage you to nominate in media categories!

Photos: MARSH - Airsoft



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