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Airsoft Team Challenge from MARSH Airsoft Events
Airsoft Team Challenge from MARSH Airsoft Events

Airsoft Team Challenge from MARSH Airsoft Events

Airsoft Team Challenge from MARSH Airsoft Events
Airsoft Team Challenge from MARSH Airsoft Events

We have received information that will delight every enthusiast of team airsoft games. MARSH Airsoft Events, one of the most recognizable groups of airsoft games organizers in our community, is entering the new year with a fresh initiative: Airsoft Team Challenge.

This is another proposal related to the very popular "team games" format. However, unlike GHOST, the previous game of this type from the creators of large-format MARSH, ATC is to put more emphasis on the milsim aspects of the game and its diversity.

What the players can count on during the first edition of Airsoft Team Challenge, which will take place in the forests near the town of Kalety (Silesian Province)?

The field battles can last up to 28 hours - if the teams survive that long without being eliminated on the airsoft battlefield. During ATC, there will be no possibility of using respawns. In return, participants will receive one "wound card" each, which... may allow them to continue playing.

In surviving and implementing the objectives, the teams taking part in the simulation will be helped by optoelectronics. However, players will not be able to count on the support of vehicles, drones, or the use of pyrotechnics.

A novelty in the team game mechanics will be the division of participants into different classes. Those interested will be able to register as a sniper duo, a full group (from 3 to 6 members), or an extended group (from 7 to 12 people). Each "class" will have a separate set of tasks, which will develop along with the players' progress in the field. The course of events will sometimes border on confrontation with rivals, but it will not necessarily reward entering into direct skirmishes.

It is worth noting that the results of the teams actions in the field will remain secret, and each group will receive a summary of their actions and their results privately, via email. Will it be worth disclosing them publicly? Time will tell!

During the Airsoft Team Challenge, the popular"nationwide" (Polish) limits for replicas known from the biggest events of recent years will apply. Currently, the final arrangements are still being made regarding the date of the game and the cost of participation, which will depend on the selected class. If you want to learn more about the new initiative from MARSH Airsoft Events, be sure to check out their profile... this weekend.


Related information: MARSH 6 with an official date

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