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Ban on carrying and using firearms and pyrotechnic products in Gdańsk
Ban on carrying and using firearms and pyrotechnic products in Gdańsk

Ban on carrying and using firearms and pyrotechnic products in Gdańsk

Ban on carrying and using firearms and pyrotechnic products in Gdańsk
Ban on carrying and using firearms and pyrotechnic products in Gdańsk

In accordance with the public safety regulation of the Pomeranian Voivode of January 30, 2025, on February 6 and 7, 2025, a ban is introduced on carrying, moving and using pyrotechnic products in public places in the city of Gdańsk. The full text of the regulation can be found hare - link.

Additionally, by the regulation of January 31, 2025, the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration introduced, also on February 6-7, 2025, a ban on carrying or moving unloaded firearms of any kind in the city of Gdańsk. The full text of the regulation can be read here - link.


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