Did you know that on April 4 you will be able to take part in the next Rat Race? Provided that you manage to gather a team and register it for the game, some free spots are still available!
What is the Rat Race airsoft event? It is a team-based game that is one of the leading ones of this type in Poland. A few years ago, this type of games returned to the list of annual airsoft events in Poland, which delighted players and fueled hopes for great fun for many on of them from all over Poland. In the past, Rat Races took place in various areas and took on more or less extensive forms, but their common denominator has always been high level of participant satisfaction. If we still haven't convinced you, check out our reports from IV edition and V edition!
Despite a warm reception of last year's game, the organizers of this series are not resting on their laurels and they are expanding the scale of the game and announcing further improvements for the upcoming edition. It is impossible to remain indifferent to such an initiative. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that WMASG.com has once again taken the Rat Race under its patronage!
Rat Race VI will extend the competition time in the Rookie category by 3 hours this year. It is also planned to refresh the previously known special tasks, inspired by the experiences of participants from the last edition of an equally warmly received game of a similar nature - Black Perseus.
The main idea of this year's competition will remain unchanged. Numerous, independent teams will face each other, each of which will work in the field exclusively on their own account. Obtaining a satisfactory result will involve the need to quickly plan your actions, choose the right priorities and test your skills in many special tasks. Those will be available to everyone and often electrify the minds of the daredevils who undertake them. There will also be no shortage of down-to-earth airsoft pleasures, such as hunting for dogtags of opponents or visiting subsequent checkpoints.
Are you wondering whether you will definitely be up to such a challenge? Don't worry! The availability of respawns and medics will undoubtedly support the dynamics of the competition and encourage you to make risky decisions. Rat Race is for anyone who wants to test themselves with their group in an environment without allies. Here, everything depends on you!
We encourage you to follow the organizers' Facebook profile - this way you will always be up to date. Its also important to know that RAT Scenarios is not just Rat Race. The organizers have ambitions to prepare a different game for the summer - a staff game. Details will be provided soon. Who knows, maybe this won't be the end of the news from the organizers?
Graphics: RAT Scenarios