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Specshop dostawa nowych wersji Sparrow

This article comes from an older version of the portal and its display (especially images) may deviate from current standards.

SpecShop just recieved a new delivery from the well known polish company Wisport. It contained a new verson of the Sparrow backpack.

The comparison between those two versions is shown on the pictures below. You can see there that:

  • The backpack has now a little more slim shape,
  • The zippers of the both chambers are now covered,
  • The backpack is now equipped with a more robust transport grip,
  • The pront chamber opens on their full length,
  • The orginizer has been improved,
  • Now you can also add an additional interior frame to the 30L version
  • The spacer grid has ben also improved. It has ben made to be more resistant against mud, conifer needles and so other,
  • The interior mesh pocked has ben split in to two,
  • Inside the maich chamber you can find additional fittings for more gear.


Sparrow 2 interior

Sparrow 2 interior


The new one is on the left


Sparrow 2 size comparison

Sparrow 2 size comparison
The new one is on the left


Sparrow 2 grip comparison

Sparrow 2 grip comparison
The new one is on the left


Sparrow 2 front comparison

Sparrow 2 front comparison
The new one is on the left


Sparrow 2 new front comparison

Sparrow 2 new front comparison
The new one is on the left


The backpacks are aviable in different color variations and 20 Litre or 30 Litre capacity




