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Specshop Rite In The Rain

This article comes from an older version of the portal and its display (especially images) may deviate from current standards.

RITR.jpgThe history of Rite in the Rain began almost 100 years ago in the deep north-east forest of USA. The water resistant pages have ben used succesfully by the logging crew. Novadays, the waterproofing methods undergo major modyfication to become more efficient and environment freandly.

ritr produkty 1.jpgritr produkty 2.jpgritr produkty 3.jpgritr produkty 4.jpgFor a everyday usage the shipment of tactial-outdoor socks from Batac are great news.

BATAC.jpgbatac produkty 2.jpgprodukty batac 1.jpg

Furthermore, there was a shipment of Lumica Lightsticks. They are perfect for professional usage during harsh environment conditions.

lumica produkty .jpg

Finaly, there was a restock of Lowa footwear.





  • Platinium partner

    Gold partner

  • Silver partner

  • Tactical partner